
Friday, November 25, 2016

Cool Friends

Hi how are you? Hope you are having a great Friday with your family or Shopping!!!
I finally could made a card... I miss it so much, but with the holidays it is so hard to find time to sit and make my cards :(
This one is for the Lawnscaping Challenge "Give Thanks"

I used so many different Lawn Fawn Stamp Sets:
Making Frosty Friends 
Joy in the Woods for the background
Frosty Fairy Friends 

Making scene cards is so much fun!!! You first start with an idea, and then you start building your scene little by little with different elements... It was so much fun.... yesterday when I was purchasing from Lawn Fawn I realized I almost have all the stamp sets.... Oh no don't tell my husband shhhh!!!
Have a great weekend!!

Love and Hugs


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