
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bee Creative

Nuevo desafió de miércoles de Simon Says Stamps, esta vez una tarjeta shaker,
tiene una ventana transparente con brillantina y lentejuelas de un color amarillo y dorado
Me inspire en las abejas y jamas, jamas dejar de ser creativa.

New Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, this time a shaker card, 
this one has a window with Martha Steward gold sequins.
I was inspired on the bees, and never ever stop being creative.

Espero les guste, si deseas dejar algún comentario puedes hacerlo
Feliz Día!!

I hope you like it, if you want leave a comment,
Have a great day!!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Suzanne so nice of you to take the time to tell me! Have a nice day!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes Sandy my daughter loved this one, she also thought it was funny card thank you!

  3. A fabulous fun card Weleska, a lovely design with super background embossing.........your shaker element is great with pretty sequins and adorable cute bees!!

    Heather xx
    Thanks so much for joining us with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

    1. Thank you Heather the Simon Says Chanllenges are always fun!!! thank you for taking the time and comment on my card!! have a great day!

  4. Beeutiful shaker card. Love that you filled the honeycomb with lots of confetti! Looks like it is filled with honey. I love it. I am glad you played along Simon Says Stamp Shake it Up challenge :)
    Gayatri xx
