
Mami Office

Most used Crafting Tools

 I called it my HAPPY PLACE.... where the magic happens, my kids called it Mami Office, and my husband My Cave....hahaha... Here is where I have Artistic Attacks.  My Craft Room started in my dining room, and crafting stuff all over the house.... Thanks God I have an AMAZING HUSBAND that saw that, and together we created my Craft Room with furniture he custom made for me and all the stuff I keep buying... This is my space.... where I create mostly cards and I feel like heaven.

Yo le llamo mi Lugar Feliz....donde la magia empieza, Mi Oficina como le dicen mis hijos, Mi Cueva como le dice mi esposo, donde me ataca la creatividad.  Ha sido un lugar que ha ido creciendo poco a poco, con muebles hechos a la medida por mi amado esposo... es mi espacio,  es el Cielo....!

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